Sunday 24 April 2016

Bumble Bee Class week beginning 25.04.16

Walking Through The Jungle.

This weeks learning activities will be based around the story, "Walking Through The Jungle" by Julie Lacome.

The children will be encouraged to retell the story through small world play and will all draw a picture of an animal which they would like to see on a jungle adventure.

 We will also be encouraging the children to talk about the features of a jungle environment. They will also become jungle explorers in our new role play area!

We painted some jungle animals to decorate our role play area. 

Maths Focus - Our maths activities this week at Nursery will be based around Numicon. Numicon is a multi sensory approach to maths using apparatus to focus on imagery, action and conversation. Everyday we will have a Numicon challenge to complete at the Maths Area table!

We were all given a Numicon shape which we had to match to the big shapes on the carpet. 

Matching shapes on our Numicon base board.

Matching Numicon shapes to the correct number.

We made lions from paper plates!

We pegged pegs around a paper plate to make a lions mane.

We made tiger stripes using masking tape and wet orange chalks.

Playing in our jungle swamp!
It's disgusting!

Phonics Focus - The letter sound which the children will be learning this week is 'z'. We will also be revisting previous sounds which the children have learnt and encouraging the children to recognise them at speed.


Friday 22 April 2016

Forest school Birthday cakes for the Queen

This week we celebrated the Queens 90th birthday by making mud cakes.

The children scooped



 and decorated their cakes.

Some children really enjoyed getting muddy.

Amy cooked her cakes on the campfire.

The cakes were too small for 90 candles, so Oscar carefully counted 4 candles onto his cake.

We think that Her Majesty would be thrilled with so many delicious mud cakes.

Thursday 21 April 2016

Mirror dancing

Today in PE we were working on communicating without words through our dance moves. 
We looked and concentrated with our partner to create mirror movements. 

Great start and finish positions our movements. 

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Bee friendly

As the sun is now coming out a little more we are able to keep a close eye on the bee friendly flowers we have planted in the reception playground. 

Monday 18 April 2016

Bumble Bee class week beginning 18.04.16

This weeks learning activities will be based around the stories, "The Pig in the Pond" and "Rosie's Walk". 

On Monday we enjoyed listening to the story, "The Pig in the Pond" and joining in with the repetitive phrases in the text.

In the Messy Area we rolled brown paint covered marbles onto a pig template to make a muddy pig!

Karen made special brown cornflour so we could pretend to play with muddy pigs in the Tuff Spot tray!

In the Writing Area we patterned pigs drawing anti-clockwise and vertical patterns.

We drew and painted patterns on the floor in our Outdoor Area too!

Our Maths focus this week
* We will be learning to recognise and name numbers correctly. 

* we will be learning to record number.
* we will be learning to use positional language through the story, "Rosie's Walk". 

Our phonics focus this week.
This week we will be learning the letter sounds 'qu' and 'w'