Sunday 4 November 2018

Autumn celebrations

Over the last 2 weeks, we have been learning about Autumn and the festivals that take place during this season. The children went on an Autumn walk around the school and thought about what they could see, hear, feel and smell. We then made a book together.

The children took part in many seasonal activities such as picking up the pumpkins of different sizes to see what they feel like and had a go at scooping the seeds out and making a pretend pumpkin soup.

They also learned about how and why Halloween is celebrated and enjoyed learning songs, especially the one about the 5 little pumpkins as it involved acting out how the pumpkins were feeling!

The children also had a go at making Autumn pictures that involved printing with bottle corks.

Have a look at our favourite activities on the Busy Fingers table!

And here is some spooking writing inside spiders...

We have also been thinking about what the weather is like in Autumn and about what kind of clothes we wear to protect us from the rain.

In addition, we have been getting ready for the Bonfire night. We made lots of firework pictures, listened to the sounds fireworks make, learnt a song about fireworks and played different instruments. 

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