Sunday 12 May 2019

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

This week, our learning has been focused on the story of Goldilocks and The Three Bears. The children enjoyed taking on the role of Goldilocks and the bears and pretended to speak in different voices.

They also loved making their own masks!

One of the highlights of the week was making porridge. We talked about what porridge feels and smells like. We also discussed how it changed when cold water was added to it and what it was like after it was cooked. All children had a taste and most liked it.

In Maths, we learned words to describe size and the children had fun choosing the sizes of chairs, bowls and spoons for the bears. In addition, they found out how to order a range of everyday items and toys by height and length.

The children have started learning to work as a team in their colour groups.

With a lot of rain in the week, there have been some opportunities to enjoy the outdoors. 

We are all looking forward to the sunshine next week!