Saturday 1 October 2016

Bumble Bee class week beginning 03.10.16

Our Bumble Bee classes of 2016-2017 are now all present at Nursery and ready to begin the school year ahead. 

This week at Nursery we will be completing number activities with all of the children and will be using a different number rhyme as an introduction to each day. 

On Monday we began with the rhyme, "5 Little Men in a Flying Saucer" 

We enjoyed singing the rhyme and being aliens!

My alien has a potato head!

On Tuesday we enjoyed joining in with the rhyme, "5 Cheeky Monkeys Swinging in a Tree"

In our water tray was a crocodile swamp!

On Wednesday we joined in with the rhyme, "Ten in the Bed". We completed activities linked to bedtime routines.

We bathed babies in the water tray.

Maddie counted the right the number of people into the bed, matching numeral and quantity.

On Thursday we all sang one of our favourite rhymes, "1 2 3 4 5 Once I Caught A Fish Alive". We completed lots of patterning activities, patterning fish and drawing anti-clockwise circles and vertical lines on big pieces of paper.

We also drew patterns and traced our names on the floor with big chalks in our Outside Area.

On Friday we watched on the interactive whiteboard the rhyme, "10 Green Bottles" 

We built our own brick walls using play dough and little bricks.

We also made walls using big bricks and tried to balance bottles on the top.


1 comment:

  1. That looks like fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
