Saturday 13 May 2017

Reception week beginning 15.05.17

This week we will we be focussing on the children applying their Phase 2 and Phase 3 phonic knowledge to reading and writing activities.

Literacy Focus: - During early morning work we will be revisiting Phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs. We will be encouraging the children to read words with these sounds in and also identify and write words and sentences containing them.  For a reminder, or help in how to say each sound correctly please visit the phonics website which has short videos which you and your child can watch at home. The children really enjoying watching the "Geraldine The Giraffe" videos in school! 

Other websites we will be using this week in school to support literacy activities are: -

Maths Focus: - This week we will be continuing addition activities and encouraging the children to use to a number line to count on and find the answer to a given addition sum. An explanation of how this is taught can be seen below: -

We will also continue reinforcing the recognition and correct formation of teen numbers (ensuring that the children write the number 1 first e.g. thirteen is written 13 not 31) The children enjoy joining in with the number songs below: -

This week in Caterpillar Class: -
This week we enjoyed our first visit to Forest School. Karen our Forest School leader taught us all of the Forest School rules and introduced all of the Forest School areas which we went off to explore!

The digging pit. 

The den.

The stick pile. We were taught how to carry big sticks safely.

Base camp where we meet and have our hot chocolate and biscuits!
We had a fantastic first week!

This week we have been exploring colour mixing. We used pipettes to drip red, yellow and blue inks onto a piece of kitchen towel and observed and described the colour mixing taking place.

Yellow and blue make green.

Red and blue make purple.

Yellow and red make orange.

It is colourful like a rainbow!

This week our role play area has been a Construction Site. Our job was to construct something of our choice using a variety of materials and then write a label describing what we had made. Finally we had to photograph our finished model and label using an iPad.

We have enjoyed our dance sessions during PE and we are learning routines to songs from famous musicals!

We ended our dance session following Kate and freestyling to a song from the Disney film, "Moana".

This week in Ladybird Class:

We had some fantastic reading and writing this week.  We all had a go at writing a silly sentence to help us use our Phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs; like ‘ow’ for cow. 

The cow ate the car and when he did he got sick. - Adam

Vivienne at the board, using the picture to help her write a sentence. 

Reading a question sentence.

William reads his question sentence, blending his letters to check if it a Yes or No answer. 

We had some awesome number work going on in the class.  We are all having a go at counting from our start number and using a number line to jump on and find our new finish number.  

William uses his number line to help him count on. 

Frankie makes the right jumps from his start number to find his new finish number.  Well done Frankie some great addition work.   

Independent addition number sentences .

Great doubles Lila. 

In our role-play area we used the meter measuring stick to build structures a meter high.  We also compared the height of the different things we constructed. 

‘I am taller than the meter stick.’ – Vivienne

‘We have made this building with a really high chimney.  It is taller than the meter stick and even taller than us.’ – Jacob B., Teddy K., Zac, Frankie.


Using the meter stick to compare and measure against. 
‘Tada!  We made it go to the top of the meter stick.’ – Charle C., Jacob K.

Charlie W. - I am building a tower to be tall like me. 

In our Creative arts area we had some junk modelling going on so that children could ‘Selects tools and techniques needed to shape, assemble and join materials they are using.’
We really enjoyed making our different pieces and helping out our friends to hold and attached bit together. 
Thank you parents for collecting the bits and bobs we needed. 

'I can see you.' - Vivienne 

'I have put this here so that you can use it like a balance.' - Ava

'Look what I did.  It is the same  on both sides now.' - Charlie C 

We are having lots of fun with Kate our dance coach who teaches us new moves for our dance routine.  

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