Wednesday 22 April 2015

Forest School - Digging Pit Fun

Ladybird class have discovered different ways to use the digging pit this week.
Asha wanted to know what would happen to the water she put into a hole.

"It's changed colour, it's all gooey and sticky"
The water slowly sank into the soil. 
Then Asha wondered "what would happen if I put water on the top of the soil?"
 "Look, it's made a river,"

Gurnek made a volcano.
"The stones are the lava, lava is fire"

Leanne, Kamilla and Scarlett used the cooking equipment to make cakes and soup.

James explained how he made his shepherds pie with different layers. 
"First I put in wet mud' then dry, then wet. James tipped the pie out of his bowl & sprinkled more dry soil on top.

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