Monday 27 April 2015

Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs!

This week at Nursery our learning activities will be based around the story, "Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs"Just like Harry in the story we will be learning the names of common dinosaurs and learning simple facts about them. 

"This is a T-Rex. It has a long tail and sharp teeth like me! It eats meat"

We retold the story using small world toys.
"Harry left his dinosaurs on the train" 

At the Maths Area we had to find out and record how many dinosaurs we could fit inside our bucket. We remembered to line up the dinosaurs and to touch them and use a big counting voice as we counted them. To help us to recognise and write the numbers we used a number line. 

"I have 6. 3 and 3 make 6"

We enjoyed cleaning the dinosaurs in the water tray! 

We made dinosaurs using play dough and dinosaur body parts. 

"I made a Triceratops" 

Harry painted a Triceratops - "It has horns!" 

Eliza completed this dinosaur puzzle all by herself! 

We coloured in dinosaur pictures on the interactive white board. 

At Forest School, Taylor and George looked for dinosaur bones "we're digging for bones"

This week we are learning to use words to describe and compare capacity for example, full, half full and empty. 

"My bottle is full"

"The bowl is empty" 

"My bottle is half full"
"The bucket is half full"
"The bucket is full"

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