Tuesday 28 April 2015

Today's sound is x!

We named words which had the x sound in. Lots of words had the x sound at the end of the word, six, fox, box and a T-Rex! 

We watched a T-Rex rap on CBeebies and learnt lots of facts about them! 
"The T-Rex uses his teeth to bite and they are very long and sharp!" Madison and Farris. 
"He would start a fight!" Mason. 
"They liked to eat meat" Taylor.

We made T-Rex skeletons using pasta, breadsticks and cotton buds! 

We found out how many of our feet would fit inside a T-Rex's footprint. To do this we took our shoes off and put them inside a template of a T-Rex's footprint

44 of morning Bumble Bee children's shoes filled the T-Rex's footprint! 

We put all of afternoon Bumble Bee children's shoes in the T-Rex's footprint. There were 26 shoes altogether!
"All of our shoes are not as big as the dinosaurs footprint" Brianna. 

Kishen found the letter x hidden inside the sand tray!

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