Friday 4 November 2016

Bumblebees at Forest School

We were very excited for our first trip to Forest School. After doing a great job of getting changed independently, the children set off and were soon sitting at Base Camp, where we talked about the Forest School Rules.

1. At Forest School we walk (no running).
2. Stay within the Forest School Boundary (The blue rope means STOP).
3. No picking.
4. No licking (don't put anything in or near your mouth).
5. Look after Forest School and all the living things in it.

The digging pit was very popular.

A "yummy" cake.

"This is the oven, my cakes will take 5 minutes to cook".

"I made a mud castle with a pattern on it. It's lovely and muddy".

"I'm planting bluebells".

Some children were very keen to find bugs & insects in the log pile.

"Slugs and snails".

The children helped each other to name their bugs using the identification charts.

Some children named their bugs without the need for an identification chart "he's my pet sluggy, he's called Bob"!

Can you spot the "really tiny snail" on the log?

The children learned how to move the sticks around Forest School safely - put your thumb on top and drag it behind you.

"I'm making a camp fire"

The afternoon got a little muddy when the rain came down.

After lots of exploring and discovering, it was time for a well deserved hot chocolate and biscuit.


1 comment:

  1. fabulous i can remember doing all of this when i started this school:)i loved doing all these things

    Keep up the good work
