Saturday 21 January 2017

Bumblebee class week beginning 16/1/17

This week we have continued our 'weather' theme.

The children start each day by singing the song -

'What's the weather like today,
like today, like today?
What's the weather like today?
On this (Monday).

On Monday, we listened to the story 'The Foggy Foggy Forest' by Nick Sharratt.

The children painted foggy pictures and used black and white paper to create silhouette pictures.

Outside, the children found a puddle with a ball in it. They devised a great game using the brooms to push the ball to each other, whilst not being allowed to get their feet wet!

"We can call it pushy puddle." 

The children have also been learning about ice and frost this week.
They investigated blocks of ice & described the properties of it.

"It's smooth"
"It's REALLY cold"
"It's melting, the sun makes it melt"
"It's cold and it's icy and it's slippery"

On Friday, the children created icicle patterns using glue and salt.

"My paint is dropping".

Phonics Focus

This week we started learning our phonics sounds. We will focus on two new letter sounds each week.

This week we focused on the the sounds 's' and 'a'.

Can you name all of the objects in the sand that begin with 's'?

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