Sunday 8 January 2017

Caterpillar Class week beginning 09/01/17

 This week many of our learning activities will be based on the story,
"Owl Babies" by Martin Waddell
Literacy Focus: -
For our focus literacy activities the children will sequence and recall events from the story. Extension activities will include the children writing about one part of the story in the form of a caption or sentence.

We patterned owls at the Writing Area table.

Owl Babies small world play.

Feeding the Owl worms using tweezers.

We made our very own owls using play dough, mark making tools, pipe cleaners and coloured beads. When we had finished our owl we wrote our name on a whiteboard and took a photo of it on the iPad. 

Phonics Focus: -
This week we will continue with the Phase 3 "Letters and Sounds" programme. The letter sounds which the children will be learning are digraphs (2 letters which make one sound). The sounds which the children will be learning this week are, sh, ch, th and ng. Your child will no longer have a daily entry put into their "Phonics Book". Instead they will have a weekly insert identifying the new sounds which will be introduced and segmenting and blending activities containing those letter sounds. The following website has videos which your child can watch at home to help them to learn each letter sound, an example of which can be seen below.

Finding 'sh' words on the interactive whiteboard.

Maths Focus: -
This week our focus is 3D shape. The children will be encouraged to learn the names of common 3D shapes - cube, sphere, cone, pyramid, cylinder and cuboid and begin to use mathematical terms to describe them. For example, describing the shape and number of faces and also the number of corners.

Sorting 3D shapes on the carpet.

Looking for 3D shapes in our environment - here is a cylinder.

Building with 3D shapes.

Making 2D and 3D shapes using construction and craft materials.

A cube - it has 8 corners and 6 faces. 

A pyramid - it has 4 triangle faces. 

A cube it has 8 corners.

A cube! 
We investigated and recorded which 3D shapes roll, stack or slide.

We will be watching these 3D shape songs this week at school: -
Please help your child to learn the names of 3D shapes by encouraging them to find them and name them at home.
Physical Development: -
The children will begin PE sessions in the school hall this Tuesday. Please encourage your child to dress independently at home in order to help them to undress/dress into their PE kit. Being able to dress independently forms an important part of the Early Years Curriculum.

On Tuesday we got changed for PE very successfully with the children doing a fantastic job of following step by step instructions and leaving their clothes together on their chair! 

In the hall we all learnt how to find our own space (where we are not touching anybody or anything around us). We then played a game called the "Bean Game". Sue said the name of different beans and we had to do the right actions. 

Jelly bean!

Baked bean!

Runner bean!

See if your child can remember the names of all of the beans and their special actions! 

ICT: - On Friday we made our first visit upstairs in the school to the ICT suite. We learnt all of the special rules which we must follow in the ICT Suite
  • Stay in your seats.
  • Put your hand up if your screen goes funny.
  • Tuck your seats under.
We then played a game called, "Phoneme Pop" using a mouse to move and click on a moving target. For many of the children it was the first time they had used a mouse, so we focused on how to use the mouse correctly.

Henry is looking for the sound "sh"

It was lovely to see children showing their friends how to control the mouse.

We achieved lots of high scores! 

If you have a computer with a mouse at home please encourage your child to use it. A link to the game which the children played in the ICT suite is written below: -

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