Saturday 21 January 2017

Reception week beginning: - 23.01.17

This weeks learning activities will be based upon the story,

"Lost and Found" by Oliver Jeffers

Image result for lost and found oliver jeffers

The story centres round a boy who finds a penguin on his doorstep and his journey taking the penguin home to the South Pole. For our literacy activities the children will be encouraged to think of and write about an adventure which they would like to go on if they found a penguin.
We also enjoyed drawing our penguin adventures on large pieces of paper on the carpet. The children had some fantastic imaginative ideas.
On Monday a penguin appeared in our classroom! We made Lost posters for the penguin and also had a Lost and Found Office to answer and record calls about the penguin!
Reception Writer of the Week!
 Well done to Henry!
Phonics Focus: -
This week the children will continue to learn letter sounds which are digraphs (a digraph is 2 letters which make 1 sound. The sounds which the children will be learning this week are, oo, ar, and or. For help in how to say each sound correctly please visit the phonics website which has short videos which you and your child can watch at home. The children are particularly enjoying the "Geraldine The Giraffe" videos in school!

Group Reading: -
It is our intention for all of the children to read with an adult at least once over a fortnightly period. Comments related to your child's reading will be written at the back of your child's Reading Record Book. The reading games and books are aimed to develop the children's phonic skills, discussion, comprehension, book vocabulary and enjoyment. The Oxford Reading Tree scheme books will be read alongside additional stories, poems and non-fiction which will appeal to young readers. Please comment in your child's Reading Record when they have read at home with you. Reading books are changed in school on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Playing a game during our guided reading session.
Maths Focus: -
This week we will be continuing calculation activities with the children and they will be encouraged to find the total number of items in two groups by counting all of them. We will be using two dice  to make the activities visual and interactive for the children. The children will also record their work in a number sentence using the + (add) and = (equals) sign.

This week we will also focus on number formation activities. Encouraging the children to form numbers recognisably and using the correct formation.

PE Session: -
In the hall we are learning to move around safely travelling in different ways and into a space. Caterpillar class got changed in record timing this week - all changed in 10 minutes. We are going to see if we can beat this time every week!

We also enjoyed joining in with the Penguin Bop!

Creative Activities: -
Our creative activities at the art table will be linked to the story, "Lost and Found" and our week will begin with the children making penguins.

We made two penguins together as a class using Mod Roc materials.

We made moving pictures! Using oil pastels we drew a colourful background of where we would like to go on our penguin adventure. We then cut around a penguin template and stuck it to a lolly stick so the penguin could move across the picture.
The penguin is going to the beach

The penguin is at a tropical island and ate coconuts.

He is going to an island on holiday.

ICT Suite: -
On Friday the children will be learning all about Chinese New Year. In the ICT session we used the mouse to click on colours and patterns of our choice to decorate a Chinese dragon!

  We learnt how to use the keyboard to type our name onto our finished picture.
Please don't forget the children's Penguin homework needs to be returned to school this week (week beginning 23.01.17) ready for their learning activities next week.
Thank you!

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